Coffee 101: Your guide to four main types of coffee beans and roasts
Posted by Roman Bissinger on

Everyone likes to think they know their coffee, but with more than 100 species out there, it’s easy to get lost in the lingo of roasts, beans, and flavours. But don’t worry, we’re here to break it all down for you so you can compare the differences and pick according to your tastes the next time you shop for a caffeinated treat. Four main types of coffee beans 1 Arabica The most common and perhaps the most beloved coffee bean would be the Arabica, which accounts for more than 60 percent of the world’s coffee production. It has low acidity...
Where to buy premium roasted coffee beans in Hong Kong
Posted by Roman Bissinger on

From rustic settings with second-hand furniture to modern and contemporary designs where skilled baristas pour the silkiest cups of latte, our small corner of the world is filled with an abundance of coffee shops. In fact, with new openings raining upon us, it is sometimes quite hard to keep track of how many there are out there. Coffee is much more than latte art and fanciful, seasonal flavours. There are many factors that influence the taste of the drink, such as the level of roast the coffee bean goes through, the wash process, the altitude the bean is grown in, and the origin...
Where To Buy Coffee Beans In Hong Kong
Posted by Roman Bissinger on

Looking to get your coffee fix from the comfort of your home? Here’s where to buy coffee beans in Hong Kong. Fuel for the everyday grind. The cornerstone of many a morning routine. The complex, bittersweet beverage that changed the world. Yes, we’re talking about coffee! Although we may be far from Ethiopia (the birthplace of coffee), Hong Kong’s evolving caffeine culture means there’s plenty of spots for connoisseurs to stock up on coffee beans. Thoughtfully sourced from the premier coffee cultivating regions of the world and roasted locally, there’s something for every palate– nutty, fruity, sweet, and spicy flavours– and every contraption– drip,...
Posted by Roman Bissinger on

一項新的研究表明,每天喝兩杯咖啡可能是延長壽命的關鍵。 根據發表在 歐洲流行病學雜誌,發現每天喝兩杯咖啡可以使您的預期壽命延長兩年。 在該研究中,研究了40例病例,其中包括300萬名受試者和450,256個死亡原因。 研究人員發現,喝咖啡與全因死亡率成反比關係-“與年齡,超重狀況,飲酒,吸煙狀況和咖啡因含量無關”。 研究人員稱,適度的咖啡消費,例如每天兩到四杯,“與不喝咖啡相比,減少了全因和特定原因的死亡率”。 但是,預期壽命並不是降低咖啡風險的唯一方法,因為咖啡似乎降低了罹患癌症,心血管疾病,糖尿病或呼吸系統疾病和死亡的風險。 這項研究的目的是通過年齡,肥胖和其他影響死亡率的生活方式因素,研究對象“各亞群中咖啡”與死亡率之間的關係。 在這項研究中,它表明咖啡與死亡率之間的聯繫比美國的逆向聯繫要強。 與咖啡和健康相關問題的鏈接不是新話題。 過去,這歸因於前列腺癌的緩慢生長,發育遲緩,整體心臟健康改善以及患阿爾茨海默氏症或帕金森氏病的風險降低。 在調查結果中,法國國家衛生與醫學研究所的研究主任Astrid Nehlig告訴《星期日泰晤士報》:“很難計算,但我的感覺是,喝咖啡可能會使您的生活再延長幾年” –並且關注度和警覺性提高可能是部分原因。
Posted by Roman Bissinger on
通過緊閉、細碎的濃縮咖啡,將約 1.5 盎司的熱水強制製成濃縮咖啡。如果一切順利,結果就是一種深棕色、略厚的液體,上面有少量的火泡(泡沫,有點像啤酒的頭)。 在製作一杯濃縮咖啡的過程中,有許多變數。水的溫度,水的壓力,研磨咖啡的細度和咖啡的包裝有多緊只是幾個。熟練的濃縮咖啡壺,或咖啡師,控制所有這些變數,以產生一個高品質的濃縮咖啡。讓我們從最重要的變數之一開始:咖啡。 咖啡 咖啡咖啡是來自不同國家幾種不同類型的咖啡豆的混合體。豆子被烤,直到它們黑暗和油味。 咖啡豆的研磨非常精細,比滴咖啡壺要細得多。稠度幾乎像糖粉。咖啡的研磨越細,濃縮咖啡的出出速度就越慢。一般來說,對於最好的濃縮咖啡,它應該需要大約25秒的水通過咖啡。有時,研磨被調整,以控制釀造時間。 例如,要蒸一些牛奶,比如一家咖啡館拿鐵,你把一個裝有一些冷牛奶的容器放在蒸汽棒下面,這樣魔杖就被淹沒了。然後,將閥門轉向蒸汽位置。這啟動了電阻加熱器,該加熱器快速將加熱容器中的水煮沸並打開閥門,從而啟動蒸汽流出噴嘴。泵間歇性運行,以保持加熱容器供水。蒸汽會迅速加熱牛奶,如果把蒸汽噴嘴靠近牛奶表面,可以用來製造泡沫。 有幾十種不同的濃縮咖啡飲料,你可以用濃縮咖啡來製作。在咖啡機的説明下,您可以探索自己的咖啡。這也是一種尋找與家人和朋友一起尋找美好時光的方式,比如製作拿鐵藝術或製作最好的濃縮咖啡。